South Side of the Monument


The men whose names are carved on the south side of the monument were the first to answer the call from President Lincoln for Union men. Lincoln made his request for men on April 15, 1861 and within the week, these men were ready to head to the frontline in Washington D.C. and Virginia. As they left for war, hopes were high for a short conflict. Enrollment in the military was for three months duration. Many of the men who stood for service at this time reenlisted for nine months or three years when their initial duty was over. That is why some of the dates of death extend into the later years of the war.

Note that E. Franklin Hanaford, listed first, died in the first major battle of the Civil War, Bull Run. The Massachusetts 5th was one of three Massachusetts regiments to fight in Bull Run.

South-Side monument names:

  • E. Franklin Hanaford, Bull Run, July 21. 1861

  • W. Frank Moore, Washington, July 31, 1861

  • Lieut. Edward Brackett, 10th Me., Antietam, September 18, 1862

  • Samuel G. Tompkins, Newbern, June 22, 1863

  • N. Fletcher Nelson, 23rd Mass., Richmond, June 11, 1864

  • Lieut. T.J. Van de Sande, 115th N.Y. Ft. Munroe, Sept. 3, 1864