
The establishment of the Somerville Museum Awards Program reflects the Museum’s status and authority to recognize those who have made a difference in Somerville’s history, supported/preserved the city’s art, history and culture, or contributed to the work of the Somerville Museum in a particularly meaningful way.  

 The criteria put forth here were first developed in 2016 and revised in 2017 to bring clarity and consistency to the Museum Awards Program and inform the public as to how the awardees are chosen.  The Museum Trustees and Charan Devereaux, who initially conceived of the Awards Program as a member of the Museum’s Council of Advisors, determines each year who will receive awards. (The Thomas Battinelli Stewardship Award is determined solely by the Museum Trustees.) Members of the public are encouraged to send their recommendations to the Museum at any time.  Recipients will be chosen in October of each year and awards will be given out at the Museum’s annual meeting and party in December. Initially, in 2015, awards were made in multiple categories. Moving forward, the Museum will make awards in three categories.

These awards, along with the criteria for their selection, are outlined below.

  • Community Service Award

  • Business History Awards

  • Thomas Battinelli Stewardship Award